Setups for electrochemical studies including light or plasma assisted (x12)
- Rotating disk electrode (PINE) for electrocatalytic studies, Electrode surface area 0.2 cm2, Operating conditions: ambient, pH=0-14
- Four test rigs for liquid electrolyte electrochemical cells, Electrode surface area 1 cm2, Operating conditions 1 bar and 20-80°C, pH=0-14
- Reactors: Multiple Redox (Single compartment: 50 ml 4x, 150 ml 4x and 200 ml 2x; Double compartment: 50ml 3x)
- Two test rigs for Proton or Anion Exchange Membrane (AEM/PEM) electrolysers, Electrode surface area 1-100 cm2, Operating conditions 1 bar and 20-80oC, pH=0-14
- Reactors: Hydron Energy (EL10 single cells and EL25 short stack), DIFFER made (5 cm2 x6, 25 cm2 x1)
- One test rig for Proton or Anion Exchange Membrane (AEM/PEM) electrolyzers or fuel cells with illumination knob, Electrode surface area 1-100 cm2, Operating conditions 1 bar and 20-80°C, gas phase
- Reactors: Hydron Energy (EL10 single cells and EL25 short stack), DIFFER made (5 cm2 x6, 25 cm2 x1),
- Light assisted reactors: DIFFER made (1 cm2 x3, up to 10 cm2 x3, up to 100 cm2 x2) for photoelectrochemical or PV assisted studies
- Two test rigs for Solid Oxide Cells (SOC) for electrolysis or fuel cell studies, Electrode surface area 1-10 cm2, Operating conditions 1 bar and 300-900°C
- Reactors: Fiaxell open flange 1x, DIFFER made 4x
- Two test rigs for plasma (RF and µW) assisted electrochemical studies (with Solid Oxide Cells), Electrode surface area 1-20 cm2, Operating conditions 1-100 mbar and 300-900°C
- One test rig for Solid Oxide Cells (SOC) short stack for electrolysis or fuel cell studies, Electrode surface area 500 cm2, Operating conditions 1 bar and 400-800°C (Under preparation)
Electrochemical workstations (x10)
- One Ivium Vertex.One.EIS (±100mA/±21V, FRA/EIS: 10µHz – 250kHz)
- One Ivium Vertex.C.EIS (±350mA/±14V, FRA/EIS: 10µHz – 1MHz)
- Two Ivium Vertex1A.EIS (±1A/±10V, FRA/EIS: 10µHz – 1MHz)
- Two Ivium Vertex10A.EIS (±10A/±5V, FRA/EIS: 10µHz – 1MHz)
- Two Ivium CompactStat.h10800 (±800mA/±10V, FRA/EIS: 10µHz - 3MHz)
- One Ivium-n-Stat with 4 channels (±1A/±50V (±10V applied), FRA/EIS: 10µHz – 250kHz)
- One Ivium XP (±40A/±10V, FRA/EIS: 10µHz – 250kHz)
Product analysis
- One Micro Gas Chromatograph, SRA Instruments
- Two Gas Chromatograph (Compact4.0), Interscience
- Five NDIR gas analysers, FujiElectric (CO2, CO, CH4)
- Three Oxygen Sensors PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH
- Two Quadropole Mass Spectrometers, Hidden (HAL 201RC)
- One Quadropole Mass Spectrometer, Pfeiffer Vacuum D-35614,PrismaPlus QME 220
- Four point probe, Ossila
- Two Solar cell probes (Tungsten): ReRa Solutions
- Dostmann electronic P770 multi-function instrument for temperature-humidity-airflow-pressure
- Radiometer Opsytec Dr Groebel RMD calibrated for 405 nm
- Solar radiation measuring instrument: Voltcraft PL-110SM 0 - 1999 W/m²
- Raman spectrometer with optical fibers, Avantes AvaRaman-532 TEC with 532 nm laser
Plasma sources
- Two Radio Frequency (RF) 13.56 MHz, Tcpowerconversion, MIT-600-03 HNAU3
- One Microwave (µW) plasma jet 2.45GHz, Heuermann HF-Technik GmbH, PS-ACT with CU-L200 source
Light sources
- Solar simulator (20x20cm), Atlas MTT
- Two Solar simulator (5x5cm) ABET Technologies
- Mercury Xe lamp, with optical fiber: Oriel Instruments-Newport
- LED UV (365nm) lamp Thorlamps (1x1 cm)
- LED UV (365nm) lamp Opsytec Dr Groebel SFL (3x3 cm)
- LED UV (405nm) lamp Opsytec Dr Groebel SFL (3x3 cm)
- LED UV (405nm) lamp Opsytec Dr Groebel SFL (10x10 cm)
- LED UV (365 nm) cylindrical arrays Opsytec Dr Groebel
Material Synthesis and Processing
- Planetary ball mill, Fritsch: 4 jars – 100ml, 0-1000RPM
- Tube roller sciquip pro: 10-70RPM, rocking ang rolling
- Horn sonicator: Bandelin Soloplus HD 4200
- High shear mixer, Silverson L5M-A
- Ultrasonic baths: Branson 5x
- pH meter: Phoenix Intruments
- Screen printer, circular printing area: 1.75cm2
- Spray coaters, Manual (Redox), CNC (CZRobotics)
- Hydraulic press with heating option, Specac, Atlas: ~15tones
- Vacuum coater (DIFFER made)
- Hot plates with stirring: Heidolph 5x, 4 channel VELP Scientifica x1
- Spin coater Laurell: 0-5000RPM, variable program
- SOFC/SOEC electric furnaces
- Box furnace: Bentrup TC505 ~1200°C 1x
- Tubular furnaces: Carbolite ~900°C 2x, VeckStar ~900°C x2
- Heating mantle, Norecs
- High temperature furnace (~1500°C), Carbolite 1x
- High temperature furnace (~1000°C), Carbolite 1x
- Two drying furnaces (~250 °C) Carbolite
- Dip coater Holmarc HO-TH-01T
- Two SILAR coating systems Holmark, H0-TH-03 and HP-TH-03BV1 (up to 100 cm2)
- Vacuum (up to 200°C) furnace, Thermo Scientific, VT 6025
- Fume hoods 4x, Glovebox 1x
- Analytic balances,
- Mettler Toledo: 0.01mg ~ 120g
- Phoenix Instruments: 0.1mg ~ 220g
- Peristaltic pumps
- One lead fluid BT 101F: 0.007 - 6 ml/min
- Two Redox single head pumps, model A, 0.07 - 380 ml/min
- Two Redox double head pumps, model A, 0.07 - 380 ml/min
- Two Ismatec MasterFlex head pumps, 0.002-43 ml/min
- One U Masterflex L/S® Easy-Load® II, 0.1-100 ml/min