DIFFER Publications

DIFFER Publications

This repository provides DIFFER's research output which contains journal articles, conference proceedings and papers, PhD theses and other materials published since 1985.

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Displaying 3551 - 3575 of 3687


E. J. Puik, M. J. van der Wiel, H. Zeijlemaker, J. Verhoeven , Ion-Bombardment of Thin-Layers - the Effect on the Interface Roughness and Its X-Ray Reflectivity , Review of Scientific Instruments , 1, 63 (1992) 1415-1419, DOI
M. Hugon, B. P. van Milligen, P. Smeulders, L. C. Appel, D. V. Bartlett, D. Boucher, A. W. Edwards, L. G. Eriksson, C. W. Gowers, T. C. Hender , et al. , Shear Reversal and Mhd Activity During Pellet Enhanced Performance Pulses in Jet , Nuclear Fusion , 1, 32 (1992) 33-43, DOI
A. A. E. Vanblokland, E. P. Barbian, T. Oyevaar, H. W. Vanderven , A Rotating Profile Scanner for Medium-Sized Particle Beams , Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment , 3, 312 (1992) 609-612, DOI
P. H. Rebut, A. Gibson, M. Huguet, J. M. Adams, B. Alper, H. Altmann, A. Andersen, P. Andrew, M. Angelone, S. Aliarshad , et al. , Fusion Energy-Production from a Deuterium-Tritium Plasma in the Jet Tokamak , Nuclear Fusion , 2, 32 (1992) 187-203
N. J. L. Cardozo, F. C. Schüller , Deterministic Chaos and Filamentation in Plasmas , Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion , 13, 34 (1992) 1939-1944
P. Mantica, F. De Luca, G. Gorini, A. Jacchia, G. M. D. Hogeweij, N. J. L. Cardozo, G. J. Kramer, A.C.C. Sips , Fourier-Analysis of Sawtooth Heat Pulse-Propagation and Comparison with Other Methods Using Jet Data , Nuclear Fusion , 12, 32 (1992) 2203-2215, DOI
G. J. J. Remkes, A. J. H. Donne, H. Dekluiver, F. C. Schüller , Density-Fluctuations in the Tortur Tokamak , Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion , 8, 34 (1992) 1379-1395, DOI
M. F. Kimmitt, C. R. Pidgeon, D. A. Jaroszynski, R. J. Bakker, A. F. G. van der Meer, D. Oepts , Infrared Free-Electron Laser Measurement of the Photon Drag Effect in P-Silicon , International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves , 8, 13 (1992) 1065-1073, DOI
W. van Toledo, R. Vanbuuren, A. J. H. Donne, H. Dekluiver , H(-)-Conversion Aided Detection of Low-Energy H-0 Fluxes from the Tortur Tokamak in a Time-of-Flight Analyzer , Review of Scientific Instruments , 4, 63 (1992) 2223-2231, DOI
A. C. A. P. van Lammeren, C. J. Barth, Q. C. Vanest, F. C. Schüller , Non-Maxwellian Electron Velocity Distributions Observed with Thomson Scattering in the Tortur Tokamak , Nuclear Fusion , 4, 32 (1992) 655-665
P. C. van Haren, F. Wijnoltz , Tramp, the Next Generation Data Acquisition for Rtp , Ieee Transactions on Nuclear Science , 2, 39 (1992) 95-102, DOI
W. H. Urbanus, P. W. van Amersfoort, R. W. B. Best, A. B. Sterk, A. G. A. Verhoeven, M. J. van der Wiel, N. H. Lazar, H. Boehmer, A. Gover, Y. Pinhasi , et al. , A Free-Electron Maser for Thermonuclear Fusion , Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment , 1-3, 318 (1992) 16-19, DOI
D. A. Jaroszynski, D. Oepts, J. M. Ortega, C. R. Pidgeon, P. W. van Amersfoort , Enhancement of Fel Efficiency by Using Short Electron Pulses , Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment , 1-3, 318 (1992) 582-587, DOI
D. F. Da Cruz, J. H. Meijer, A. J. H. Donne , Electron Velocity Distributions Measured with Soft-X-Ray PHA at RTP , Review of Scientific Instruments , 10, 63 (1992) 5026-5028, DOI
C. J. Barth, M. L. P. Dirkx, B. J. J. Grobben, G. C. H. M. Verhaag, A. T. M. Wilbers, A. J. H. Donne , Promt - a Multiposition Thomson-Scattering System for Rtp , Review of Scientific Instruments , 10, 63 (1992) 4947-4949, DOI
H. F. Tammen, A. A. E. Vanblokland, T. Oyevaar, F. C. Schüller, A. J. H. Donne , Rutherford Scattering at Textor , Review of Scientific Instruments , 10, 63 (1992) 4583-4585, DOI
L. C. Ingesson, J. J. Koning, A. J. H. Donne, D.C. Schram , Visible-Light Tomography Using an Optical Imaging-System , Review of Scientific Instruments , 10, 63 (1992) 5185-5187, DOI
J. Burghoorn, V. F. Anderegg, T. O. Klaassen, W. T. Wenckebach, R. J. Bakker, A. F. G. van der Meer, D. Oepts, P. W. van Amersfoort , Free-Electron Laser-Induced 2-Photon Absorption in Hg1-Xcdxte , Applied Physics Letters , 19, 61 (1992) 2320-2322, DOI
J. P. Goedbloed, M. Goossens, W. Kerner, S. Poedts, R. A. M. Van der Linden, G. Halberstadt, G. T. A. Huysmans, H. Stenuit, R. Keppens, R. Scheurwater , et al. , Alfven wave heating and dissipative instabilities of astrophysical plasmas , FOM Rijnhuizen , RR 92-213, RR92-213.pdf
W. van Toledo, B. S. Q. Elzendoorn, H. T. G. Spitholt , A Fast Shutter Valve for Use in Plasma Diagnostics , Measurement Science & Technology , 5, 3 (1992) 471-474
H. J. Voorma, F. Bijkerk , Design of an Extended Image Field Soft-X-Ray Projection System , Microelectronic Engineering , 1-4, 17 (1992) 145-148, DOI
F. Bijkerk, E. Louis, E. C. I. Turcu, G. J. Tallents , High Repetition Rate Krf Laser Plasma X-Ray Source for Microlithography , Microelectronic Engineering , 1-4, 17 (1992) 219-222, DOI
A. A. E. Vanblokland, T. W. M. Grimbergen, H. W. Vanderven , A Mass-Selective Neutral Particle Energy Analyzer with Background Rejection , Review of Scientific Instruments , 3, 63 (1992) 1978-1987, DOI
D. Oepts, R. J. Bakker, D. A. Jaroszynski, A. F. G. van der Meer, P. W. van Amersfoort , Induced and Spontaneous Interpulse Phase Locking in a Free-Electron Laser , Physical Review Letters , 24, 68 (1992) 3543-3546, DOI