DIFFER Publications

DIFFER Publications

This repository provides DIFFER's research output which contains journal articles, conference proceedings and papers, PhD theses and other materials published since 1985.

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H. F. Tammen, A. A. E. Vanblokland, T. Oyevaar, F. C. Schüller, A. J. H. Donne , Rutherford Scattering at Textor , Review of Scientific Instruments , 10, 63 (1992) 4583-4585, DOI
L. C. Ingesson, J. J. Koning, A. J. H. Donne, D.C. Schram , Visible-Light Tomography Using an Optical Imaging-System , Review of Scientific Instruments , 10, 63 (1992) 5185-5187, DOI
J. Burghoorn, V. F. Anderegg, T. O. Klaassen, W. T. Wenckebach, R. J. Bakker, A. F. G. van der Meer, D. Oepts, P. W. van Amersfoort , Free-Electron Laser-Induced 2-Photon Absorption in Hg1-Xcdxte , Applied Physics Letters , 19, 61 (1992) 2320-2322, DOI
J. P. Goedbloed, M. Goossens, W. Kerner, S. Poedts, R. A. M. Van der Linden, G. Halberstadt, G. T. A. Huysmans, H. Stenuit, R. Keppens, R. Scheurwater , et al. , Alfven wave heating and dissipative instabilities of astrophysical plasmas , FOM Rijnhuizen , RR 92-213, RR92-213.pdf
W. van Toledo, B. S. Q. Elzendoorn, H. T. G. Spitholt , A Fast Shutter Valve for Use in Plasma Diagnostics , Measurement Science & Technology , 5, 3 (1992) 471-474
H. J. Voorma, F. Bijkerk , Design of an Extended Image Field Soft-X-Ray Projection System , Microelectronic Engineering , 1-4, 17 (1992) 145-148, DOI
F. Bijkerk, E. Louis, E. C. I. Turcu, G. J. Tallents , High Repetition Rate Krf Laser Plasma X-Ray Source for Microlithography , Microelectronic Engineering , 1-4, 17 (1992) 219-222, DOI
A. A. E. Vanblokland, T. W. M. Grimbergen, H. W. Vanderven , A Mass-Selective Neutral Particle Energy Analyzer with Background Rejection , Review of Scientific Instruments , 3, 63 (1992) 1978-1987, DOI
D. Oepts, R. J. Bakker, D. A. Jaroszynski, A. F. G. van der Meer, P. W. van Amersfoort , Induced and Spontaneous Interpulse Phase Locking in a Free-Electron Laser , Physical Review Letters , 24, 68 (1992) 3543-3546, DOI
A. A. E. Vanblokland, E. P. Barbian, A. J. H. Donne, A. F. van der Grift, T. W. M. Grimbergen, T. Oyevaar, F. C. Schüller, H. F. Tammen, H. W. Vanderven, T. F. Vijverberg , et al. , Ion Temperature-Measurements in Tokamak Plasmas by Rutherford Scattering , Review of Scientific Instruments , 6, 63 (1992) 3359-3368, DOI
P. W. van Amersfoort, R. J. Bakker, J. B. Bekkers, R. W. B. Best, R. Vanbuuren, P. F. M. Delmee, B. Faatz, C. A. J. van der Geer, D. A. Jaroszynski, P. Manintveld , et al. , 1st Lasing with Felix , Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment , 1-3, 318 (1992) 42-46, DOI
G. E. van Dorssen, E. Louis, F. Bijkerk , Optimization of X-Ray-Emission from a Laser-Produced Plasma in a Narrow Wavelength Band , Laser and Particle Beams , 4, 10 (1992) 759-765


B. P. van Milligen, N. J. L. Cardozo , Function Parametrization - a Fast Inverse Mapping Method , Computer Physics Communications , 2-3, 66 (1991) 243-258, DOI
F. J. Puik, M. J. van der Wiel, H. Zeijlemaker, J. Verhoeven , Ion Etching of Thin W-Layers - Enhanced Reflectivity of W-C Multilayer Coatings , Applied Surface Science , 1, 47 (1991) 63-76
B. P. van Milligen, H. Soltwisch, N. J. L. Cardozo , Application of Function Parametrization to the Analysis of Polarimetry and Interferometry Data in Textor , Nuclear Fusion , 2, 31 (1991) 309-318, DOI
G. T. A. Huysmans, J. P. Goedbloed, S. Poedts , External resistive modes and toroidicity induced Alfven eigenmodes in tokamaks , FOM Rijnhuizen , RR 91-209, RR91-209.pdf
B. P. van Milligen, N.J. Lopes Cardozo, S. W. J. den Brok, M. Rehbach, J. Rem, J. H. Sluyters, J. L. Urai, A. van Veen, E. Visser , Report on cold fusion experiments , FOM Rijnhuizen , RR 91-206, RR91-206.pdf
A. F. G. van der Meer, R. J. Bakker, C. A. J. van der Geer, P. W. van Amersfoort , Measurements of the Length of Intense Electron Bunches Using a Capacitive Probe and a 20-Ghz Sampling Oscilloscope , Review of Scientific Instruments , 12, 62 (1991) 2904-2909, DOI
P. M. Meijer, W. J. Goedheer , The Bohm Criterion for Rf Discharges , Physics of Fluids B-Plasma Physics , 8, 3 (1991) 1804-1806, DOI
A.C.C. Sips, G. M. D. Hogeweij, A. E. Costley, J. Orourke, N. J. L. Cardozo, J. C. M. Dehaas , Resolving Apparent Differences between Heat and Density Pulse-Propagation in Jet and Text , Nuclear Fusion , 8, 31 (1991) 1545-1550, DOI
E. J. Puik, M. J. van der Wiel, H. Zeijlemaker, J. Verhoeven , Ion-Bombardment of X-Ray Multilayer Coatings - Comparison of Ion Etching and Ion Assisted Deposition , Applied Surface Science , 3, 47 (1991) 251-260, DOI
C. A. J. Hugenholtz, S. H. Heijnen , Pulse Radar Technique for Reflectometry on Thermonuclear Plasmas , Review of Scientific Instruments , 4, 62 (1991) 1100-1101, DOI
B. P. van Milligen , Analysis of equilibrium and topology of tokamak plasmas , PhD (1991/11/20)
A. C. A. P. van Lammeren , Electron and current density measurements on tokamak plasmas , PhD (1991/09/18)